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Sonic Ventures

Sonic Ventures is a podcast celebrating the concept album format with Robert Goble and Joël Tibbits.


An evolving series of discussions that explore concept albums from a variety of artists and genres, our intent is to have conversations of our personal experiences with selected works and the issues surrounding concept albums.


Sometimes we will be treading familiar waters concerning music interpretation and creation, other times we will venture into different places of thought, emotion and expression.

Robert Goble

Robert is a lifelong musician and music fan, with deep academic roots in critical theory, philosophy, and psychoanalytic literary criticism. He’s a lover of people and cultures, having spent much of the 90’s living overseas and travelling, and he has a deep appreciation & curiosity for the uniqueness of others & their “lived” lives and thoughts.


He’s the writer behind the “morningcoffeevinylside” Instagram account & its off-shoots; the principle artist and producer behind the bands “Finish Effect”, & “The Stairway Project Band”; and the co-owner of a Vancouver based coffee company.


Intrigued by liminal spaces, and the experiential nature of time, Robert continues to embrace new ways to understand being-in-the-world, and sees creativity and the pursuit of meaning and epistemological truths as one of the prime human pursuits.

Vintage Mic

Joël is a composer, sound designer and writer.


At an early age, Joël was intrigued by sound, an attraction that began with his father's record collection and lead to his study of music composition. In addition to this profound fascination with sound, Joël was equally drawn to mysticism, mythology, philosophy and science. This cocktail of interests took him on to further studies of the martial arts, yoga, meditation and bioenergetic modalities.

Over the years, Joël has initiated and collaborated on a number of projects of varying genres and intentions - you can learn more here.


His work is of exploration and experimentation, to foster greater understanding and experiential richness of consciousness, self-knowledge, creativity, and the mystique of "more" that comes with the wonder and awe of the cosmic dance.

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